Really pleased you've covered My Brilliant Friend. I've been watching since the first season and feel I'm only one. It's such a nuanced and rich show. It feels somewhat miraculous we got four years of it. I'll miss it but it'll be one I'll revisit when enough time has passed. Also I'm in awe of how Somebody Somewhere does so much with so little. There have been two episodes and I've cried a lot during both. It doesn't feel like I'm watching TV but more that I'm there in the room with these characters. Another marvel that I'll miss when it ends.
Maybe Disclaimer would be a bit easier to swallow if it all wasn't so portentous. We're reminded, through every implausible twist and turn, that this is Serious.
If the plot would collapse if one character uttered a single three-word sentence to stop the torments of Job she's being put through, it's pretty rickety.
I enjoyed Disclaimer, but yeah a lot happens that seems like it could have been avoided. Especially the work stuff. And why was everyone so quick to assume the book was the truth?
It's not even a question of whether any of them deserved an answer. She had the truth on her side, and a culture that's more willing to listen to victims than at any other point in our history.
Having just finished Disclaimer, i came back to see your thoughts. My biggest problem with the show is that it's too serious, and it doesn't feel like it should be this way. Watching it, i couldn't stop thinking about how much better it would be with Todd Haynes considering what he just did with May December. That is the tone for the show.
The scene where the assistant tells Catherine "you're so cancelled" is something that took me off, for example. You could see, negatively, that it was a 63 year old guy writing and directing it, and the tone was totally wrong. Something like what Haynes did with May December would have been perfect. Should have been more camp.
So first: this past episode of WWDITS was elite! My fave of the season thus far. When we think his army is made up of mannequins!! Laszlo's line readings when he's like shit, Nandor is delusional. And finally, Nandor's "Da fuck" after revealing he wasn't in fact delusional had me howling - I had to rewind that. I just love this show so much - and I appreciate you Alan, for being one of the few critics to keep beating the drum for a relatively long-running show.
As for Disclaimer: I think you have a pretty generous take on the show, and I'm with you up til a certain point. I was actually riveted all the way through episode 6 - like a lot of people were saying "nothing happens" but I was still pulled in. I knew it was going to be a sexual assualt around mid-season but still wanted to hear it from Catherine's perspective. What strained credulity for me was Robert's reaction more than the fact that Cath had decided to never talk about it again. What would be the point, after Jonathan died, esp given how traumatic it was? But Robert just threw her under the bus immediately and wouldn't listen at all. And for him to just accept Stephen's account 100%? I'm so glad she left his ass. But also the way she was treated at the hospital when a stranger came in to see Nicky and they took her away instead - I'm sorry, that was absurd.
But the last straw for me was the flashback of the event in Italy. They made Jonathan into a cartoonish villain, like super rapey and evil. And we're supposed to believe he jumps in the water to save a little boy the next day?? To make it so over the top was just really disappointing for me. The assault could've been done in a much more subtle and believable way.
I thought Cate and Kevin's performances were marvelous but really feel like Cuaron needed another writer to collaborate with, cuz a lot of the reactions and behaviors of many of the characters felt too ungrounded.
(Although I don’t know why initially we would have assumed anyone was a monster. People have consensual affairs all the time, so I am perplexed by that notion in your newsletter.)
I think the signs were pointing there though - she says she wanted him dead early on, and we get that disclaimer at the start of every episode about sexual assault. And her behavior was very consistent with past trauma.
Re: Disclaimer — It’s an honor to be sub-tweeted, Alan! We’ll see how I feel after tonight’s finale, but I have a feeling it’s going to be an agree to disagree situation. I need at least a modicum of plausibility to care what happens. Love seeing Kevin Kline though…
I read Ferrante's book series and adored it, but I still need to watch the show. I want to watch "Disclaimer" as well, so I skipped over the spoilers here.
I think it's a little sad about the winter press tour not being doable, even though I understand it.
How is the Citadel Italian show? I watched 2 episodes of the original and couldn't do any more, but I'm always looking for watchable shows based in Italy, so thought I'd give that one a try.
Really pleased you've covered My Brilliant Friend. I've been watching since the first season and feel I'm only one. It's such a nuanced and rich show. It feels somewhat miraculous we got four years of it. I'll miss it but it'll be one I'll revisit when enough time has passed. Also I'm in awe of how Somebody Somewhere does so much with so little. There have been two episodes and I've cried a lot during both. It doesn't feel like I'm watching TV but more that I'm there in the room with these characters. Another marvel that I'll miss when it ends.
Maybe Disclaimer would be a bit easier to swallow if it all wasn't so portentous. We're reminded, through every implausible twist and turn, that this is Serious.
If the plot would collapse if one character uttered a single three-word sentence to stop the torments of Job she's being put through, it's pretty rickety.
I enjoyed Disclaimer, but yeah a lot happens that seems like it could have been avoided. Especially the work stuff. And why was everyone so quick to assume the book was the truth?
It's not even a question of whether any of them deserved an answer. She had the truth on her side, and a culture that's more willing to listen to victims than at any other point in our history.
But then there would be no more pages to write.
Having just finished Disclaimer, i came back to see your thoughts. My biggest problem with the show is that it's too serious, and it doesn't feel like it should be this way. Watching it, i couldn't stop thinking about how much better it would be with Todd Haynes considering what he just did with May December. That is the tone for the show.
The scene where the assistant tells Catherine "you're so cancelled" is something that took me off, for example. You could see, negatively, that it was a 63 year old guy writing and directing it, and the tone was totally wrong. Something like what Haynes did with May December would have been perfect. Should have been more camp.
So first: this past episode of WWDITS was elite! My fave of the season thus far. When we think his army is made up of mannequins!! Laszlo's line readings when he's like shit, Nandor is delusional. And finally, Nandor's "Da fuck" after revealing he wasn't in fact delusional had me howling - I had to rewind that. I just love this show so much - and I appreciate you Alan, for being one of the few critics to keep beating the drum for a relatively long-running show.
As for Disclaimer: I think you have a pretty generous take on the show, and I'm with you up til a certain point. I was actually riveted all the way through episode 6 - like a lot of people were saying "nothing happens" but I was still pulled in. I knew it was going to be a sexual assualt around mid-season but still wanted to hear it from Catherine's perspective. What strained credulity for me was Robert's reaction more than the fact that Cath had decided to never talk about it again. What would be the point, after Jonathan died, esp given how traumatic it was? But Robert just threw her under the bus immediately and wouldn't listen at all. And for him to just accept Stephen's account 100%? I'm so glad she left his ass. But also the way she was treated at the hospital when a stranger came in to see Nicky and they took her away instead - I'm sorry, that was absurd.
But the last straw for me was the flashback of the event in Italy. They made Jonathan into a cartoonish villain, like super rapey and evil. And we're supposed to believe he jumps in the water to save a little boy the next day?? To make it so over the top was just really disappointing for me. The assault could've been done in a much more subtle and believable way.
I thought Cate and Kevin's performances were marvelous but really feel like Cuaron needed another writer to collaborate with, cuz a lot of the reactions and behaviors of many of the characters felt too ungrounded.
(Although I don’t know why initially we would have assumed anyone was a monster. People have consensual affairs all the time, so I am perplexed by that notion in your newsletter.)
I think the signs were pointing there though - she says she wanted him dead early on, and we get that disclaimer at the start of every episode about sexual assault. And her behavior was very consistent with past trauma.
Ok, the Disclaimer finale was great and the scene between Robert and Catherine in the hospital was perfection. So I am glad I watched.
Re: Disclaimer — It’s an honor to be sub-tweeted, Alan! We’ll see how I feel after tonight’s finale, but I have a feeling it’s going to be an agree to disagree situation. I need at least a modicum of plausibility to care what happens. Love seeing Kevin Kline though…
I read Ferrante's book series and adored it, but I still need to watch the show. I want to watch "Disclaimer" as well, so I skipped over the spoilers here.
I think it's a little sad about the winter press tour not being doable, even though I understand it.
How is the Citadel Italian show? I watched 2 episodes of the original and couldn't do any more, but I'm always looking for watchable shows based in Italy, so thought I'd give that one a try.
I skipped that one. The friend who rightly praised Honey Bunny said that Diana was, I believe, "fine."
I watched the first episode and felt it was just the original, but with Italian actors.
ColBatGuano's review is not inspiring. "Fine" is just a perfect review. One word and I know exactly what that probably means on many levels.
Narcos Mexico levels.