Have to go with Fraser for the leap day content. The twirl/shimmy to get the handkerchief is classic.

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I do love "Leap Dave Williams," but the "Buttons and Bows" scene is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on television. Full stop. Let's all go to a Taco Show, indeed.

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I see what you did there.

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Great newsletter this week! I'm so disappointed that The Regime seems to be a dud. I had high hopes it could be a strange hybrid between The Great and Succession but doesn't sound half as clever as either of those which is a real shame as I was really looking forward to it. I'll make up my own mind though. The Completely Made Up Story of Dick Turpin (far too long of a title) was also a disappointment. A lot of the character actors and Noel Feilding himself are so over exposed on British television that I struggled to believe them as the characters and didn't find it very funny. I felt I could see where the jokes were going. I'm still persevering with Masters of the Air and there are aspects of it I'm really enjoying but the characters aren't very interesting which is a major misstep. I might be misremembering Band of Brothers but I'm fairly sure I connected to characters there. Not to bang the same drum again but, I really wish Mr & Mrs Smith was weekly because I'm finding less and less to watch of late. It's my fault for racing through it though.

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They’d have to somehow re-emerge in earthly form (which I guess defeats the point of the ending), but I would love to see anyone in The Good Place gang in the Colombo role.

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I thought the same thing and... I thought the same thing.

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The Emmy race for mini-series categories (Shogun, Fargo, True Detective, The Sympathizer, & unreleased Apple+ shows) seems to be more interesting this year than the drama race.

So far, The Crown is the only contender in the latter category (and depends how many episodes of Evil will air before May 31). Alan, what’ve a better idea if any new shows could get nominated.

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I watched the original Shogun series back when it first aired and I remember there being subtitles for the Japanese language parts. Maybe it's just my brain playing tricks on me, but there were a good number of subplots that wouldn't have made sense without subtitles.

Anyway, the new Shogun is indeed awesome. The comparisons to Game Of Thrones are well deserved. However, it's a sad sign of the times that I checked the episode count and was very happy that they're giving us ten episodes, not cheaping out with only eight or six. Ten full episodes is truly a gift in this day and age.

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The link to your Elsbeth write-up is 404ing for me

I’m curious if she can carry a show on her own. I always enjoyed her character on The Good Wife but not sure I need multiple hours of it. I will try it!

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Link has been fixed. Thanks.

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Thank you, Alan, for continuing the newsletter. Very much appreciated. I read Jamie Leigh’s tribute to Richard Lewis on Instagram. Deeply moving.

I mostly remember watching him do standup on tv. Followed him on Twitter at some point. Appreciated his candor about addiction struggles and other daily living stuff. Not a big Larry David fan.

I saw Carrie Preston all glammed up with Stephen Colbert. She is embracing and enjoying this moment. Will be watching the show. I expect it will go to streaming eventually.

I very much enjoyed the first episode of Shogun. Guy on the couch was too busy on his phone to follow well. Won’t be the first show I have watched without him. His loss.

Kate Winslet’s new show looked unappealing from the promos. Hard pass.

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Was that John Collum?

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Was that John Collum?

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The original broadcast of NBC’s Shogun was, indeed, without subtitles. However, when it was re-broadcast (I forget when) it DID have subtitles. I’m surprised the DVD didn’t have the subtitles as an option.

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Aw, I remember really liking Anything But Love. I have no idea how well it aged, but I did like it back in the day. (I'm the same age as Alan for context of when I watched it.) It's really tough seeing these actors I grew up watching aging and dying.

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Regarding Lewis, Anything but Love was the first thing that came to the forefront as well, a show I hadn’t thought of in decades. The odder bit is that the opening credits song/instrumental came to mind immediately and I don’t know how. The memory is a bizarre thing when it comes to trigger points. Anywhoodles, Richard will be missed and his gift for making neuroses comedy gold.

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Ha! Classic ending.

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Well done, Alan.

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I appreciate the positive review of "Elsbeth". I was interested but then infuriated by the constant promotions during "Survivor" on Wednesday (she would appear from the bottom of the screen during the show and waive to us thereby distracting us from the show we were trying to watch).

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