Lizzo and Jack Black were both well-cast and used really well but I was disappointed that Christopher Lloyd was essentially nothing more than the guy the Mandalorian Scooby Gang demasks at the end. He was so much fun in Nobody, he should have been given some better lines than a rambling speech about Count Dooku.

That said, I can't wait for them to "retake Mandalore" and get Din back to bounty hunting. I wonder if Bo-Katan will give him her ship after that happens (ship for a sword?), because this episode showed the value of Din having a larger ship that can actually hold things, like multiple characters discussing plans.

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I didn't mind the dark saber stuff because I found the original premise (you must take it from them in battle) to be pretty stupid. How is it passed on from one leader to another? Does a younger Mandalorian have to kill the old chief? That's some retirement plan.

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Dave's second episode was one of the best in its run and the first was one of the worst. That Scrotoguard thing was dumb and forced. The premise of the show still suffers from my disbelief that such a smart guy would make such dumb songs for dumb people and not have an existential crisis about it, when he's so neurotic about everything else in his life. I'm not really buying the man-child thing anymore when we're three seasons in and know he's smarter than this. But that's a problem with a lot of comedies based in the real world. How do you maintain the engine that made it funny when it no longer makes sense? Sitcoms never had this issue because we didn't expect Kramer to learn from his mistakes or Joey to get smarter. In the case of Barry, they've just kept getting darker and darker, perhaps because they felt they couldn't maintain the "amateur actor by day, hitman by night" engine, and they're probably right, but I don't know if turning the whole thing into a PTSD drama with an occasional joke was the way to go. We'll see how they wrap up Barry in this final season. Ditto for this season of Dave. (Maybe less about his penis?)

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I think the first episode of Dave S3 was great too (in addition to the 2nd ep). The idea that this fictionalized Lil Dicky is trying to find his true love on a tour where he's spending 1-2 days-ish most in each city is inherently funny and dumb. I also liked that he thought he found a girl who might actually like him for him, and she was just another fan trying to say she banged Lil Dicky. The physical humor with the scroguard worked for me as well because he looks so absolutely ridiculous in that and this kind of dumb-ish physical humor has ALWAYS been a big part of the show, but I get YMMV may vary depending on how much you like that level of dumb physical humor.

I think there's a disconnect here which the show is trying to show that might not be coming across: in one sense, Dave/Lil Dicky is a smart guy. He's clever in his wordplay in the songs and this fictionalized version of him has obviously been able to write some hit songs, as he's getting recognized all over the place. But a huge point of the show is that Dave, in his personal life and in terms of his interpersonal relationships, is pretty inept. We see this from pretty much S1E1 with Ally and how he fumbles that entire relationship pretty badly. He doesn't understand how he's an asshole to one of his closest friends & a guy who constantly helps back him up in GaTa. He manages to get Doja Cat's complete interest temporarily and totally blows it by being a pretty typical guy douche. We can see from her POV that she was actually excited and put effort into putting time in her insanely busy schedule to spend with him and he just totally screws it up at the last possible second when she was leaving to see him. He screws up with the label and the gorgeous Hollywood Hills house they give him. Rick Rubin basically bails him out. I don't think Dave is meant to come across as like this genius who stoops to making dumb songs for dumb people; I think he's lucky to even have that level of success. I'd also argue that if fictionalized Lil Dicky songs are anything like real-life Lil Dicky songs (and it seems like they are), then Lil Dicky's songs are actually usually incredibly clever... in at least a slightly dumb way or about a silly topic. I think the juxtaposition and the conflict between neurotic Dave and trying-so-hard to be cool/chill and fit in with the rapper world (where he's perpetually an outsider as a white Jewish rapper) Lil Dicky is a central conceit of the show as well. That conflict drives many of the episodes storylines, going back to when Dave has to explain why Lil Dicky just tweeted "just got head" to Ally. Anyway, didn't mean to write so much, but just my $0.02.

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Good points. I did like the ending of the first ep where he learns the girl knew who he was from the getgo, although I think it would have been stronger/more impactful if he heard it from her rather than just a drunk guy at the party. Maybe if she were muttering in her sleep as she was passed out, or he finds her laptop or phone booted up and she has all of his music already saved and in very specific playlists? The ol' "Show, don't Tell" rule, ya know? :-)

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I think that's totally fair criticism. And don't get me wrong - the show definitely isn't perfect, and I have no skin in the game of trying to say it's amazing in any way or anything. But then, if the drunk guy doesn't tell him, would we get the amazing scene of him being de-clothed by his fans and have to go on the run in the scroguard? Haha

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What's your realistic opinion on a chance for Party Down season 4?

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Totally agreed about Dave. I thought these episodes were really firing on all cylinders, especially the second. I really hope Lil Dicky sticks to TV forever because his raps are much better and more tolerable with the show putting a hat on them.

Halfway through Beef and really enjoying it. I like that it’s something deeper and more emotionally complex than the escalating feud I was expecting.

Mando was just a blast. This season has a bizarre structure, but for the most part the individual episodes have been very enjoyable.

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I’ve watched one episode of Beef and so far it’s making me very anxious! I have a hard time with shows where you know everything is going to go tits up, but I’ll stick with it!

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The last scene of the Party Down season made me so happy. Casey!!! And they totally kept it under wraps. I don't think anyone knew it was coming. If there isnt a 4th season of PD, I'll be so sad, even though we were very lucky to get a 3rd season, which was a great bonus season.

Only 3/5ths of the way through Beef, but really enjoying it so far. I read everywhere that it was great, but I still didn't expect it to be so laugh-out-loud funny or go the places it's gone. Can't wait to finish it.

Dave is such a good show, so much better than I ever thought it would be when I started it, even though I loved Lil Dicky back then. It's very funny, naturally, but it continues to impress me with its depth and sense of pathos. The chaotic, on-the-move second episode was captivating and fantastic. I loved the ending of the music video. Can't wait to see what's coming this season on this road trip that I'm sure will be crazy and fun!

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