For some reason — okay, the reason is that they both co-starred Gregory Hines and came out less than a year apart — Running Scared and White Nights get mashed up into one truly bizarre film in my head until I separate out their constituent parts; if only Mikhail Baryshnikov showed up to jam with Crystal, Hines, and Michael McDonald at the end of the “Sweet Freedom” video.

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Overall I do agree that Only Murders feels overstuffed with cameos. It's amazing that the show can basically get whoever they want at this point, and it's a fun sugar rush to recognize the faces that show up. But it does feel like the main trio has taken a bit of a back seat (Mabel in particular doesn't have much going on this season). And I admit I lost track of all the convoluted ways everyone had a relationship with Prof. Dudenoff at this point. And where did the beer case come from that was hiding Sazz's script? I think I missed something there.

I think there's still a second killer to be revealed (given the debate in the earlier episodes about having to remove the body in 12 minutes).

Overall, the show is still very fun and entertaining. I did like that they brought up some unresolved threads from season 1. Interested to see if/how those get paid off.

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Somebody Somewhere is the definition of the Best Show You’re Not Watching - even the biggest TV fans in my life somehow aren’t. Touching and low-key spectacular, I ranked it near the top of my favorite shows of 2023. Also highly recommend.

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Part of the reason people don’t watch Somebody is because it’s on HBO.

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What does that have to do with anything? Millions of people watch shows on HBO every day.

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It has plenty to do with it. HBO is nothing but a shadow of its former self ever since it was acquired by discovery.

New management has decimated most of HBO original programming and only got lucky with this entry. Why are they discontinuing this show after three years? it's not an expensive show to produce. it's just another poor decision on the part of HBO management.

What happened to most of the HBO original programming? they've been selling it off. What happened to all their "hubs" that was part of their ballyhooed subscription“package”??? There is no value in HBO.

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HBO is in a diminished state these days, no doubt. But I still find much more value in it than in the trash on Netflix.

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I only view Netflix for the new shows that HBO sold to them instead of airing themselves. Then I drop it. Same with Prime. It’s stupid HBO sold them the new animated Batman.

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It's one of those shows that I keep putting off watching for various reasons but mostly that there's just too much I'm trying to keep up with to start another new show with previous seasons. I really do just need to make time for it. Maybe the Yankees will win the series in 4 straight and I can make time then!

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For OMITB, I enjoyed the touching scene between Oliver and Charles in this latest episode. I think it went without saying that those two had become close, but the verbal sentiment was nice. That said, Short is definitely at his best when he’s constantly insulting Martin and I hope the lovey dovey stuff remains implied rather than expressed so that he can keep jabbing away. I also think it would be a great joke for next season to find a way to bring back Rudd as a 3rd character. Even if just for a cameo, I would get a chuckle from them trying to pass him off as a believable other character that also happens to look like Ben Glenroy and Glen Stubbins.

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Oct 25Edited

OMITB has had way too many guest stars, to the detriment of character arcs for our main trio. We have one episode to go and I'd struggle to say what each of their seasonal character arcs actually is. Some of the cameos are fun (Ron Howard), but others are a slog (Melissa McCarthy). I think the finale gives us the reveal of a second killer, but I don't think it served the show well to spend the whole season wondering who the victim even was. It gave the story a lack of focus that was then echoed by all the stunt casting. Really frustrating. And then I *hope* the finale tells us what Mabel asked for in exchange for her life rights.

Marvel has been miss after miss in recent years, so Agatha All Along has been such a welcome surprise. The Patti LuPone episode was some very skillful writing, matched with excellent acting, and ending on the perfect note. This is one of the few Marvel shows I actually want more of.

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You’re right … a little bit of Melissa goes a long way.

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Aw, I loved Melissa’s appearance! Ron’s was fun too.

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Agatha All Along is just killing it. Jac Schaeffer should be in charge of Marvel television, if not all of Marvel. I have been wondering what happened to Aubrey Plaza for weeks. It’s been a very good set up and explanation.

The mystery part of OMITB has always been the weakest link. I’m not sure if it’s overstuffed with cameos or if they’re using them effectively because, they do make me smile, and I do want more screen time for them. Well, maybe not Paul Rudd.

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In a medium where so many wonderful stories have the plug pulled prematurely, I'm so glad that shows like "Shadows" and "Somebody Somewhere" have the chance to not only end their stories but do so on their terms.

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I really do want to thank WWDITS for introducing me to Matt Berry because seeing him pop up in things randomly or hearing podcasters imitate his voice (I have one podcast about the british monarchy hosted by two brits for whom he's much more of a cultural touchstone) feels like I'm part of a fun club.

So many lines and catchphrases from this show that my friends and I use regularly, but he especially feels like such a gift.

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Matt Berry is an an accomplished musician with many albums at the ready, including a new one

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I adore Lower Decks and will be sad to see it go. I get the impression there’s some kind of follow-up show in the works, which is great, but Lower Decks could run another few seasons without feeling tired.

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I've quite enjoyed this season of Murders, which I'd say is the strongest since the first, at least in terms of individual episodes being enjoyable. The all-star cast has mostly been used well (I could've done without Rudd's return), and realistically they need outside energy to keep things moving forward given the premise.

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Agree about Rudd. I like him a lot, but not as Glenn. That character is annoying.

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For Murders it was established in a previous episode that there were 2 people involved, my money is on Dudenoff still being alive and being the other one because the west tower story HAS to factor into the murder right or what was the point?

I believe the hard written rule of if we don’t see them die then they’re not dead

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The Queer Witch Show featuring Patti LuPone is fast becoming my favourite bit of Marvel TV. Episode 7 is a knockout.

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I’m so sad that two of my favorite shows (Somebody Somewhere and Shadows) are ending. I agree with Alan that both absolutely could keep running if all involved allowed. And I also had the same thought about FX dropping three episodes of Shadows to begin the season - we only have so many left and we’re getting three right out the gate?! I was already iffy on the trailer for the new Billy Crystal show, so glad I don’t have to bother with it. Thanks, Alan! (I just purchased your O.C. book and starting to read. Excellent so far!

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Thanks! Glad you're enjoying.

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I do agree with your Murders review. Too many characters. Although I think my favorite episode was Melissa McCarthy’s and I wish she was a series regular.

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I’m curious which Only Murders guest stars were under embargo? Seems like you mentioned all of them…?

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Paul Rudd returning was embargoed. Maybe a few others? I can't remember now. But the stars of the fake movie were all heavily featured in preseason promotion, none of the Westies are big enough names to be embargoed (not even Kumail), and back then, I didn' have the most recent episode, featuring a relative notable new guest star.

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Rudd makes sense, though if I'd seen his name I probably would have assumed it was just a flashback appearance.

I thought this week's guest star was going to be a fake out, since the show went to great lengths not to show them for so long. But it was fun that one of Oliver's stories actually turned out to be true!

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Oh, seeing other people mention Melissa McCarthy reminds me that we were embargoed from saying what kind of character she was playing, but I don't think we were barred from saying she was on the show.

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She’s featured in the promo image on D+ (watching from Canada) so if they wanted to keep her a secret they didn’t do a very good job! 🙃

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