As soon as the introductory exposition included the words "base scrip", it was very clear where FAM is headed. Wonder what the chances are we get Ed's head on a pike by episode 10?

I forgot Gorbachev is still in charge in this universe until the crowd was shouting his name, but the way they built that scene, with the sirens barely in the background, and especially the ballet on all the channels (famously what happened during the real-life Gorbachev attempted coup), created a real sense of doom. That was nicely done.

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Hey Alan, quick question: I want to get my teen a copy of TV(The Book) for Christmas. Do you and Matt have a preferred vendor for it? I want to support you both as best as possible.

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Matt actually operates his own online bookstore, so you could get it directly from him if you like: https://mzs.press/TV-The-Book-Two-Experts-Pick-the-Greatest-American-Shows-of-All-Time-Paperback-NEW-p477209286

And we appreciate the impulse re: supporting. In general, though, every purchase of a new copy of the book (as opposed to getting it used) is helpful.

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Oh duh, I knew that about his store! Thanks for the reminder.

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Meanwhile, I was in small town North Dakota reading reports from that Comic-Con screening and thinking a filmic revolution was about to hit the prairies, and then cut to opening night and I'm the only one in the theater and I realize what a bubble I exist in on the Internet.

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Ah good to know the book is more than just a history of a one show. I personally never saw more than a few OC episodes, so the book didn't seem like my cup of tea. But interesting to here about its lens into the larger world of television. Perhaps I will take look at it this holiday season...

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I enjoyed the Vanity Fair excerpt on The O. C. and was surprised by the reality compared to what I remember from back in the day. The thing that sticks out again is that the show was really only ever going to last 3 seasons,, but that wasn't the business model back then. You can't follow high school students around for 5-6 seasons without it starting to feel odd and with the amount of plot they burned through in Seasons 1 and 2, the melt down in 3 and the odd turn in 4 seem inevitable. I'm looking forward to my Kindle version and now I have to go track down my bonus chapter.

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I’ve pre-ordered the book and was looking forward to getting the bonus chapter.

I’ve just read the terms and conditions and it states:

Offer only available to retail consumers residing in the United States age 18 and older.

Is there any way people outside the US can get the bonus chapter?


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I wish there was. Promotions like this are always US-only for legal reasons I have never entirely understood.

I hope you like the book anyway. Sorry for the disappointment.

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I’m a little underwhelmed by the latest season of FAM. I can see the key point of conflict coming between Dani and Ed - and if that is indeed the case, it’s telegraphed a little too obviously. The Miles storyline seems to be a bit of a dud right now - will be become this season’s bad guy in the mold of Danny Stevens, or some sort of Lech Walesa figure championing worker’s rights? The quality is definitely still there, but it’s not hooking me in as much as previous seasons.

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I'm more than a little surprised how well the Scott Pilgrim show has been received. There's been some grumbling from fans, but the critics all seem to love it for some reason.

I binged the whole thing last night. I was bored and the individual episodes are quite short. If you watch it straight through, skipping the intros and the credits, you can get through all eight episodes in a little over two and a half hours.

One thing that's important to note is that this isn't an adaption of the comics or the movie. It's more of a companion piece or maybe even a sequel. If you were unfamiliar with the basic elements of the narrative and some of it's better jokes, you'd be pretty lost.

On the whole, I found the whole thing to be more boring than not. In theory, expanding and exploring the characters of the various Evil Exes could be fun and interesting, but I found almost all of it cliche and pointless.

This is also yet another entry in the genre of sequels/remakes/re-imaginings where the goal seems to be to take a dump on the main character. Scott has always supposed to have been an immature jerk, but now he's also a toxic loser and apparently always will be.

Anyway, I'll be around for a more spoilery discussion if you have one next week.

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Consequence had an article/interview with the creators and it sounds like they truly didn't want to just retread well-worn material in a new medium, and so the results may be disappointing for you but I don't think that "taking a dump on the main character" was really their ultimate intention.


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Hey Alan, are you planning to revisit any retro/classic show during this upcoming quiet period of tv?

I remember you did a bit in early 2018 which led to a favorite piece of mine. Coincidentally, I’m on the same point of the ER-watch as you were!


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No idea. I have some things planned for December, and there are at least a couple of notable January premieres like True Detective. So we'll see.

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Hi, Bob. Almost finished episode 1 before fleeing to UK/Kansas basketball game. Might be a law living as close as we do to BBN home. Will finish and watch 2nd episode soon.

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Can you opine on whether watching the Scott Pilgrim movie as a refresher before the series would be beneficial or not? I’m curious if the changes might be more interesting if the movie is fresh in your head or if it doesn’t really matter

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As long as you recall the broad strokes of the plot, I think you're fine. There are definitely jokes in there designed to reward people who know the movie and/or comic very well (I very much enjoyed how the used "bread makes you fat?" here), but I don't think it's required homework.

On the other hand, I have no idea what someone who doesn't know either the comic or the film will make of this.

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Hi, friends. As a "Fargo" newbie, do I need to start from season 1, or are they all independent of each other?

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They are largely independent from one another. That said, minor characters do occasionally recur, but even then it doesn't usually matter. (The exception would be season 4, whose emotional climax depends on you caring about someone from an earlier installment.) What I've seen of this one so far in no way depends on prior knowledge.

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Oh, wow, I didn't expect YOU to reply! That just made my Friday. Thanks!

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