Yeah, this is basically how I feel about it. I enjoyed season one even after approaching it with apprehension with the lingering pain of the bungled final two seasons of GoT. I’ve read the GoT books, Fire and Blood, and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, so I’m definitely more likely to enjoy this series than others, but I find it perfectly cromulent. Nothing amazing but very much enjoyable.
Yeah, this is basically how I feel about it. I enjoyed season one even after approaching it with apprehension with the lingering pain of the bungled final two seasons of GoT. I’ve read the GoT books, Fire and Blood, and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, so I’m definitely more likely to enjoy this series than others, but I find it perfectly cromulent. Nothing amazing but very much enjoyable.
Yeah, this is basically how I feel about it. I enjoyed season one even after approaching it with apprehension with the lingering pain of the bungled final two seasons of GoT. I’ve read the GoT books, Fire and Blood, and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, so I’m definitely more likely to enjoy this series than others, but I find it perfectly cromulent. Nothing amazing but very much enjoyable.
Nice use of cromulent. We don't get that word out there often enough. "House of Cromulent" coming soon to a TV near you....