The Ripley series looks great. Would you say that having seen the previous films and having some knowledge of the source material enhances the show (Hannibal-style), or is it preferable to go in blind?
The Ripley series looks great. Would you say that having seen the previous films and having some knowledge of the source material enhances the show (Hannibal-style), or is it preferable to go in blind?
I don’t think it matters. There’s one bit towards the end that’s a wink to Highsmith, but it’s not essential to know; you’ll be amused no matter what, I suspect.
The Ripley series looks great. Would you say that having seen the previous films and having some knowledge of the source material enhances the show (Hannibal-style), or is it preferable to go in blind?
I don’t think it matters. There’s one bit towards the end that’s a wink to Highsmith, but it’s not essential to know; you’ll be amused no matter what, I suspect.